FOMT Projects Span Across Mobile County

Our non-profit Friends of Mobile Trees lives in hope that the Mobile Tree Commissioners will come to their senses and accept our generous offer to buy all the trees to replace the stunted scrub trees in West Mobile. The Commissioners said they will meet next Tuesday to approve a request for proposals to buy and plant just 30 holly trees on just one mile of Airport Blvd. from I-65 to Azalea Road. In August, the Commissioners allocated most of their available funds, ($23,700 or $790 per tree), to fund this partial project by themselves. That amount is based on a Public Works bid to buy and plant holly trees 4-6 inches in diameter at breast high (dbh) although the Commissioners state that they have never discussed tree size at purchase, just the trees fully-grown height.
FOMT’s arborists unanimously and independently belief these larger trees would be much more difficult to transplant and maintain and much more expensive to buy than our counter-proposal to buy 2-3 inch dbh trees. By accepting our generous offer to buy all the trees that are the right size, the Commission would have enough savings to eventually replace all the removed scrub trees throughout West Mobile with thousands left over for after-care and future projects.
FOMT has a fundamental fiduciary duty to spend our donors money wisely. So, FOMT has notified the Commissioners that, if they buy with public money what we believe are the wrong trees to plant, we will return Alabama Power Company’s grant earmarked for this project and allocate the remainder of our pooled funds to other projects that do follow basic Right Tree/Right Place guidelines. Obviously, we want to see trees that are healthier than the ones we taxpayers just paid to take out and at a reasonable price.
Mobile County Environmental Center,
Saltaire Road

In May, 2023, FOMT donated four live oaks to the future Mobile County Environmental Center on Saltaire Road. It will be exciting to see these mature over the years in the natural setting.
Courtesy of The Arborist @TheArboristPT
Escatawpa Hollow Park

Friends of Mobile Trees' 12 live oaks are now in the ground at the brand new
Escatawpa Hollow Park
in Northwest Mobile County.
Thanks once again to one of FOMT's great advisors Phillip Dodd for this generous in-kind donation.
Oaks Planted in Tricentennial Park
Thanks to an in kind donation from FOMT member Phillip Dodd Landscaping, FOMT facilitated the planting by City of Mobile Parks of four 40 gallon live oaks at the center of Tricentennial Park between the 3 Mile Creek Greenway and the Childrens Splash Pad.
FOMT recommended this specific site so the trees will benefit both park visitors and residents traveling along the Greenway.

Watch the trees planted!
Say Hello
to the New Trees on Florida Street!
FOMT is helping to sustain Mobile's green environment for the future.
Thanks to an in-kind donation from FOMT member Phillip Dodd Landscaping , FOMT facilitated the planting by City of Mobile Parks of three 40 gallon live oaks on Florida Street, two blocks North of Airport Blvd. These trees complete the oak grove covering a wide median in the heart of Midtown Mobile.
From This ...

To This...

Let's Keep Going!
Memorial Live Oaks Planted in Medal of Honor Park
in Memory of Victor Birch & Bowdoin Atchison
On November 26, 2022, members of the Port City Pacers, with help from the Friends of Mobile Trees, planted two trees at Medal of Honor Park Saturday in honor of runners gone too soon. Trees were planted in memory of Victor Birch and Bowdoin Atchison. Both men were heavily involved in local running events and community events.

Live Oak Tree Memorial(Port City Pacers)

Oak Grove at Battleship Park
Trees planted at Battleship Park form a map of Alabama.
Each tree represents an Alabama county to honor our veterans living and deceased.
FOMT thanks our Vice President Rick Rivers for his work to initiate and implement this project,
like the oak, a symbol of strength for future generations,
a fitting tribute to American veterans and their service to our nation.
Raising Awareness
Rick Rivers and John Robb show off the new FOMT banner at
LODA ArtWalk October 2022

FOMT at the
Gulf Quest Half-Earth Day
Educating the public
FOMT at the
Gulf Quest Museum's
"Gulf Chat" Lecture Series